Sunday 1 August 2010

The smell of fresh paint

Yesterday evening some family friends came over for dinner. I wasn't going to stay for food because I was going out but luckily my dad cooked nachos before Jess and Hannah arrived at mine for pre-drinks so I scoffed a few :)

I then showed Jess and Han the development of my newly painted room.
We then headed to the Treaty to watch Colour me Wednesday. They were amazing! I had only heard one song prior to the gig but their set was awesome. They were very lively and the main singer had a beautiful voice. We only really stayed to see them play so when it finished we said a quick hello to Harriet (guitar) and then went to the Met for some cheap drinks. Dain and Sam were there so we proceeded to have with shots and jager bombs.
We then all got a bit hungry so got pizza and walked (stumbled) to the Load, which was closing as we got there. I fell asleep on Hannah outside the pub so they thought it best to take me home. I love my friends. I was incredibly drunk, not sure how, I don't remember drinking that much, but it was a good night :)

Today I VAXed my carpet so now it looks a less grey colour. Was going to wait until tomorrow to move all of furniture in because the carpet would still be damp, but it dried really quick so my dad and I dragged my wardrobe and draws up the stairs and put them in place. It was quite awkward because they are so heavy and big and I've hurt my back a bit carrying it up the stairs. I then titted about for ages trying to figure out where I wanted them. My room is an odd shape because I have the chimney breast going through it but I eventually found a configuration I liked. It has made my room look a lot bigger too. I then spent the evening moving all of my clothes from one wardrobe to the other. I can't believe how many clothes I have, it's unreal, and yet I can still never find anything to wear :)

There is some order in there, I promise

I will take photos of my new room when lighting is better and it is fully complete. There is still quite a bit to be done, new light, shelves to be put up, picture frames put up and buy a fluffy rug.


  1. Thanks for coming to the Treaty m'dear! :) looking forward to seeing photos of your room! I'll have to photograph mine properly but its still not completely finished! xxx

  2. I can't wait to see your new room!
    Thank you for your comment on my last blog, i know your always there for me, i think i was just in a hormonal know the feeling i'm sure :P Love you lot's and thanks for checking up on me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
