Monday 16 August 2010

Ice-cream and telly

Yesterday I started to paint my T.V stand and shelves so that they fit in with my new room. I love give old furniture a new lease of life :)
Ian came to mine and we watched Brick and ate some yummy Ben & Jerry's. I then made some dinner. We were going to stay at mine over night but when I realised we couldn't watch telly in my room as my T.V stand was still wet, we went to Ian's. It was a good call as his mom shared some Thornton's chocolates with us. We also watched Paper Man which was amazing! It was a really cute little film but with really funny bits, like Ryan Reynolds in a superhero suit.

After an evening of watching lots of telly we finally went to sleep.
In the morning Ian made me a wonderful fry-up. He really is good to me :)
We watched a bit more Fringe and ate more ice-cream. Then we went and sat in the green near his. We had a really good chat about some stuff and I feel a lot happier now. Think I'm just getting stressed as results are drawing closer, I'm so nervous, but at least I have V festival this week to either celebrate of drown my sorrows.
This evening I have put some of my bits up on my shelves and got my rucksack and sleeping bag out of the loft ready for V.

(1. By Kiel 2. Layka)
These make me feel so summery and carefree, shame we haven't had such a sunny summer :(

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