Monday 9 August 2010

I should really get started on some work...

So yesterday I got up rather late and my neck was still in agony. I thought a nice warm shower would help, but it didn't :( I then had a very embarrassing meeting at the door with the delivery man who delivered my new boots :)

I then went into town where I had to get some passport photos done as I have to send them into my uni to get my id card done. Really can't believe I'm going to uni, I'm so scared, don't really want to go but I'm sure I will be fine eventually when I settle in.
I then met up with Ian where we headed to the bank to do banking things. We then went back to his where we watched a very gay episode of True Blood and another episode of Fringe. I actually love that show. He gave me a massage while we watched T.V which has really helped my neck :)
After some very yummy pasta Sue cooked us I went to meet my lovely ladies at the Met. Feel like I'm spending all of my time there recently. I then ran out of money very quickly so headed home.
I then lazed about in bed with my cat and a nice cup of tea and watched a programme about armish teenagers, was really funny.

(Click photo for source)

(I REALLY want this cup)

This morning I arose and got some cereal. I then got out a sketch pad and some pencils and set out to start my summer project. It is on 'Bread'. So basically make anything out of bread or paint something with bread. It's so hard to come up with an idea because I want it to reflect my preferred style of design, be very different so I stand out but also not too hard to make.
I'm thinking I may make a dress, it sounds absurd but I have a design that might work, just need to draw it up.
Any ideas to help me with??

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