Sunday 8 August 2010

Rock night and neck aches

Friday I went to Ian's and in the evening he had a few people over for drinks. We drank a fair bit and watched Role models, Hot rod and many episodes of South park. About half 4 in the morning we all decided it was time to sleep and the others departed. We awoke quite early but I had a really bad back ache. I then departed as Ian had a wedding to attend. I didn't do much during the day, it was pretty boring so I texted Hannah asking if she wanted to come over and then we would meet up with a few others and go on a pub crawl. So in the evening she came over and we danced very badly and she failed at FB raping me. We then went to the Met where we met up with a few people who were out for Jonny's birthday and some others. We then departed the Met and headed to the Treaty as it was Rock night, I love Rock night. Hannah and I also came up "turkey wave" we are so silly, I'm sure there will be a photo of us doing it at some point so will show you.
I got very drunk, like ridiculously drunk, but I didn't throw up, yay! There were loads of people there that I knew and I did the drunk thing of just going up to random people and springing up a conversation. About 2ish I think I ran out of the pub and followed Poove. He walked me home via a burger place. Why is it when your drunk you loose all concept of money and calorie intake?

We did a lot of headbanging to Metalica and I am now suffering today. I've been sat in bed all day with a heat pad on my neck and am dosed up on painkillers.
My grandads staying with us for a few days as he is looking for a new house. I don't really get on with him that well but ah well.
I need sleep.

(Click on photo for source)

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