Saturday 14 August 2010

Live long and prosper

Yesterday I went to Ian's and we watched Fringe. It is such a good series and even better it has Leonard Nimoy in it!! For those of you who don't know who that is, it is the dude that played Spock in the original Star Trek series.

We then ordered pizza which we scoffed down with his parents, I felt rather sick after.
It was a good day but some bad things over ruled it's awesomeness :/
The birthday present hadn't gone completly to plan, I'm sure it's fine but I just wanted it to be perfect. I found something out that broke my heart. Things are ok now I guess but I can't help keep thinking about it, I was up most of the night crying. But I guess I just need to grow up and get over it, however hard it may be :(

1 comment:

  1. I love you my Elsebeth and i'm here when you need me
    :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
