Monday 30 August 2010

A fail day

I woke up feeling so shitty...

No idea why but my whole body just felt like...mush, a gloopy blob that just wanted to collapse. But I maned my way through it and started on sewing pieces of bread to a dress. This failed epicly! I did the majority of it and then tried it on and it just looked crap. It didn't drape right and looked really tacky. Luckily my brain came up with a different way of doing it and I think it will work better (it can't be any worse.) After a while of doing this I ran out of elastic so couldn't continue.
We then ran out of tea bags! :(
I would have gone to the shop to get some more but my hip/leg is being a bitch, it's like cramp but my pelvic bone hurts. So I have resorted to the safety of my bed.

So here are some unrelated pretty pictures :)

(Click on photos for source, except 3rd and last, I can't remember where they are from)

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