Wednesday 18 August 2010

Pub quiz

So yesterday I started on my summer project, by started I mean I drew up a design and tried out ways of preserving bread.

It's not a very good drawing but there you go, it has also changed a bit too now, I'm going to toast some bread, so there are different shades going up the skirt bit, that was Ian's input :)
I then went to the met where I met up with Ian and some of his friends. Hannah, Jess and Jade joined us later. We then proceeded to play the pub quiz. It went better then expected, we didn't come last!
After that I went back to Ian's where we watched the new episode of True blood and some more Fringe. Fringe is as awesome as ever but True blood is getting a bit lame. It's really gay and it's really going off the vampire scene, I like the warewolves but I think Suki is a an angel and that's just weird, but I will never stop watching it :)
Today I had a nice lay in and then did some sewing for Sue. I feel kinda mean taking money of her to do little jobs, but I need all the money I can get.
I then did a drawing for Ian. It's so awesome, I'm really pleased with it and I can't wait to show him, I hope he likes it :)
I also had a rummage about in the loft and came across some old things of my nans I forgot we had inherited. This was always my favourite piece on her dresser, and now it's on mine, it's a bit damaged but still pretty :)

I get my results tomorrow, not actually that nervous, I guess because I already have my place, but I'm very eager to find out what I got, fingers crossed!

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