Sunday 29 August 2010

Beer pong and other drunken shenanigans

Friday I went to Ian's and we watched Fringe. We spent pretty much the whole day in bed watching endless episodes, I will be quite sad when this series has finished but wont be long until the next one is out. We ordered chinese in the evening which was very scrummy :)
Saturday I started on toasting my bread and working out how many different shades of toast I would need to cover my dress. In the evening I went to Lawson's where many drinking games were played, singing along to the Backstreet boys and Nsync and sliding down the stairs. We played beer pong which was so much fun, I think I was quite good at it, I got quite a few shots, but I also had to drink alot of gin which didn't end well. When I awoke at 6am on the sofa where I had passed out I felt quite sick and craved the comfort of my bed. I dragged Ian back to mine. It was kinda weird walking down the road so early, it was dead and the sun was just coming up. We must have looked such a state, I was a cross between still drunk and becoming hungover. We awoke again at about 3pm, it was quite an impressive lie-in but I was still tired, I still am :(
When Ian left I started on some more work. I have now done all of my toasting and preserving so I can hopefully get started on sewing tomorrow.

I have 22 days until I start uni. I'm so nervous, I'm really scared that what I do wont be good enough, I know that they wouldn't have accepted me if I wasn't but I still worry.
I really regret leaving my project so late to do, I have worked it out and it should all be done before I start. I'm getting really into it now and enjoying it and having so many ideas so hopefully I will be able to do all of it.

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