Wednesday 25 August 2010

Home sweet home

Apologies for not blogging for a few days but my days have been pretty busy watching marvelous bands.
Friday I set off on my journey to Essex where V festival was being held. I met up with the gang and we got on the train to Victoria station where we then caught a coach to the festival. It was such a long journey and I was so tired and my bag was really heavy that by the time we got there I just wanted to collapse.
After setting up camp we all had a bit of a drink and went on some theme rides (which were so overpriced) and then to the indie disco which was really good.
Over the weekend we saw such bands as Pretty reckless, Passion pit, Florence and the machine, Feeder, Ellie Goulding, Prodigy, Madness, Kooks and Kings of Leon, just to name a few.
They were all really good, the only bad thing was the crowds, being crushed, having cups of god knows what thrown at you and just selfish people that feel the need to barge into you.
The weather was pretty good apart from Sunday night when it chucked it down. I shared a tent with Hannah and luckily ours didn't leak but all of the others did so we ended up destroying them on Monday before we left.

There was so many laughs and jokes and memories from the weekend and I had great fun. I'm not sure what I expected from a festival but it was nothing like what I thought it would be, I did love it but I would much rather see them in a more intimate venue and go home to a nice warm bed at night.
When I returned home on Monday I jumped straight into a lovely warm bubble bath.

Ian then came over and we watched some of the highlights from the festival and had a nice catch up.
Yesterday we had a lovely long lye-in. After Ian left my parents returned home from a trip away so we swapped stories about our weekends.
Ian was doing a gig yesterday evening with his band GONE, I wasn't going to go as I'm going to a few of his others soon but I went online and a very old friend, Tiffany, asked what I was doing in the evening. Randomly it turned out the pub GONE were playing is just around the corner from where Tiff lives in Maidenhead and she was going to see them play, so I then decided to pop along too. It was a fantastic night, was so good to catch up with her, literally haven't seen her in about 5 years and we just picked up where we left off, we are still so similar, hopefully wont be too long until we meet up again :)

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