Friday 13 August 2010


Yesterday I was awoken by my mom with a lovely cup of tea, we sat together in bed for a bit and chatted about stuff. We then got up and headed into Uxbridge. We went to Poppyandys and had a wonderful fry up. We had a look round town and I got many things, new t-shirt, (it has strawberries on it) shorts, flowery shoes, camping things for V and a special persons birthday present, I know it's early but best to get it out the way :)
We then drove to B&Q where we picked up some new curtains, bed sheets and a light. All to go in my room :)
I then went to Ian's where the evening consisted of Fringe followed by more Fringe and a few yum yums. It was marvelous.

(Click for source)
I do love kisses, little spontaneous ones when your watching telly, or just a quick one more before you go ^.^

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