Tuesday 3 August 2010


Yesterday I got up quite early and finished making a chocolate cake which I then took round to Ian's. Some of his family was down to stay so I got to meet them. They were lovely and really funny. We had another of Toms amazing BBQs and drank lots of wine. Baby photos were shown and embarrassing stories were told, it was brilliant and I had such a good time :)
Ian came back to mine and I showed him my room, I think he quite liked it, but you know men and decor :)

We are a silly pair :)

Today we watched Untraceable, it was quite good. I get quite annoyed with horror movies because the people always do stupid things e.g. go into a house where the door was open and you know there is a murderer that lives there, stupid people!
Ian then had to go so I watched a lot of Jeremy Kyle and drank copious amounts of tea :)
I wish I had tea cups like these.

(Click on photos for sources)

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