Tuesday 3 August 2010

And stretch and hold...

This evening Hannah came round and we had chicken pie for dinner which my mommy cooked us :)
Jess then joined us and we had a wee chat while me and Han ate, we also tried to convince Jess that unicorns were real but instead got Han very confused and she convinced herself that they were! I do love her. We also watched White Chicks which I had never seen before.

We then went on my laptop and looked at some lovely sites with pretty clothes. I've found some really nice boots and a dress which I think I just have to have and they are so cheap as well!! I have been saving up for a while and now I'm doing a bit of cleaning every other week I have a bit of money so I can treat my self, presides I think my new wardrobe deserves some new clothes :P
For some reason we then discovered that I can't reach my toes. Now I do have very long legs but I think it is just because I'm very unfit. Jess then showed off her flexibility and I just pulled muscles :(

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