Thursday 19 August 2010

Results day

I got my results today and I was so disappointed. No one in my group of friends did amazingly well which is such a shame as we tried so hard. But I have already got an unconditional offer for Bucks uni so I can't be too upset.
B- Art (Really, REALLY wanted an A)
C- English
E- Geography (Not my strongest subject but would have hoped for a bit better) :(

But overall I can't complain too much. After receiving my grades I went home to my mom where I cried and drank some tea. After hearing me blubber down the phone Ian decided to come over and comfort me :)
I gave him the drawing, which he loved, I would post a photo but I doubt anyone would get it as it's kind of a private (cheesy) joke :P
We then headed back to his for a bit where we watched Fringe and failed at making a home cooked lunch. Instead we had a pannini.
He then gave me my surprise present, which Tom ruined by telling me what it was, but it was still awesome!

I then popped to Uxbridge quick to pick up some food with Hannah for V festival. I then went back to Ian's and watched more Fringe. I then went to the Met to celebrate/ commiserate the results with everyone.
I am now home and have done some last minuet packing as I am off to V tomorrow! It has come round so quickly and I'm so excited!! My first festival. I'm sure I will bombard you with photoswhen I return, but until then farewell! :)

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