Thursday 5 August 2010

Hmmm dough balls

Yesterday I woke up to find a note from my parents that simply said "clean the bathrooms." So I did as I was told and then made some lunch. By made I mean I put a pizza in the microwave. I was watching 'Monster in-law' when the doorbell rang, (it was about 4 now) it gave me a bit of a startle and it wasn't the usual ring that my parents give so I went to the window to see who it was. It was my parents! So I ran to the door but on my journey I hit my knee on the side of a table and my knee cap moved to the other side of my leg. Now I have really weird knees in the first place and they can move around a bit more than is normal but this was too far even for me. I hobbled to the door and let my parents in. It was so painful, I moved it back into place but it made a grinding sound, OOOWWW! But I'm ok now it's just a bit red.
In the evening I met up with Jess, Han and Adam and we went to Pizza Express. As it was Wednesday we had the orange Wednesday deal, so we got free dough balls and buy 1 get 1 free main course. Adam had a really spicy pizza which looked nice and we girls had caesar salad, I know it doesn't sound very exciting but we always have it, it is seriously the nicest caeser salad ever.We then went to the Met for 1 drink but the others were all a bit full and tired so we left. I then went to the Hay where I met up with some people. It was quite fun, Ian's puns gave me much enjoyment. Most people were really drunk but I was stone sober and really tired so I decided to leave, Ian walked me home :)

(Some pretty pictures by Anna Amphigorously)

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