Wednesday 11 August 2010

An evening with the girls

Well today when I eventually got out of bed I felt my body was about to collapse at any moment. I haven't been sleeping at all well recently, just takes me hours to doze off. I went out for lunch with my mom, dad and grandad. We went to a really nice little pub near the Thames. I had a rack of ribs and treacle sponge for pudding, it was so nice!
My grandad has now left, I know he is family but he really irritates me, he has a habit of poking or nudging me, quite hard. He also doesn't understand personal boundaries so is always in my face and he has old man breathe, it's not nice. I don't think he realises or means to so I put on a nice smile like the good little granddaughter I am.
Hannah and Jess then came over in the evening and we watched Hot Chick, which we pretty much quoted word for word. We also watched Not another teen movie which was too quoted a lot.
Well I think I had better go to bed as I have an early start tomorrow, mom is treating me to a nice breakfast out :)

The sky was pretty the other day :)

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