Thursday 2 September 2010

Lost in the blinding whiteness of the tundra

On Tuesday I woke up really early so that I could make some bread. This bit is for the breast plate of my dress.

I'm really pleased with how it turned out, but unfortunately it's too big to fit into my micro-wave so I can't dry it out but hopefully it wont go mouldy after I have glued it to make it go hard.
I then went to the dentist where I was informed that I have lovely teeth, however about an hour ago I chipped a bit off my tooth, you can't notice it but it's really annoying
I then went to Ian's in the evening and we watched True blood and Fringe.
Wednesday we watched the last of season 2 of Fringe, it was so good! When that was completed we headed into London with his parents for a meal out for Ian's birthday. We went to the Ice bar which was incredible!

The meal afterwards was amazing, the food was the nicest I have had in a long time.
Today I saw Nick and Danny, it was lovely to catch up with them both. They have informed me that in a few weeks they are going backpacking around Europe for a year, which I am rather jealous and sad about. As I would love to do that and I shall miss them both.
We had some dinner and watched Accepted and reminisced on old times.
Jess then came over later on in the night as she needed a nice cup of tea and a chat. I hope it helped. Was lovely to see her again as I haven't seen her since V and I do miss my dear little dwarf :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The criss cross bread looks amazing! Can't wait to see the finished dress :) xxx
