Sunday 12 September 2010

The first farewell

Friday I did cleaning for Sue, it's so good having a bit of extra money every fortnight and I get to see Ian for 3 hours so it's great, hopefully I will still be able to squeeze it in when I start uni, which is a week tomorrow!!!
In the evening a big bunch of us went to the Met to wish Tatenda adieu. When he finally arrived the evening was getting good, as usual the more alcohol we consumed the more fun we had. It turned out to be an amazing night consisting of piggy backs, discovering outty belly buttons, naughty chats and some how ending up at the Load.

The Saturday was mine and Ian's 9 months together and we had planned to have a wonderful meal out at Pangs, but me being the fool I am was far too hungover and I didn't think I could make full use of a buffet :(
Instead we stayed in and watched All the boys love Mandy Lane, Stranger than fiction and had steak.
He sadly had to depart fairly early this morning so I got on with some work, I have now finished all of my artist research which is excellent, so all I have left to do is take photos of my dress and do some drawings of it, I really have left everything until last minuet :(

(Click on photo for source)

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