Tuesday 7 September 2010

Things didn't work out too badly

Well Sunday night kinda fucked up, majorly. I didn't get to watch my sad film or eat pie, instead I kicked out of my house :/
It was over something so pathetic, yet again springing from my dad yelling at me for not having a proper job. So after some harsh words and many tears and him literally shoving me out the door after giving me 2 minuets to pack my bag I was out. Luckily I had the wonderful Ian to take me in. I don't know what I would have done without him. He actually ran to come get me :)
We then went back to his where he made me an omelet and a nice cup of tea. We counted down to his birthday and then watched some episodes of Castle.
I also gave him his birthday present which was a Captain Hammer t-shirt which he was very happy with :)
Monday we awoke rather late which ruined our plans of going out for lunch but instead we went back to mine as parent folk were out and ordered the new Domino's sub, which was amazing. Nick and Danny also popped over as Nick was selling Ian his xbox for an amazingly cheap price :)
After we headed back to Ian's but I departed early as I was meeting people for Hannah's 19th. We went to Watford, it was a really good night. Was so nice seeing everyone again. We all got very drunk and I stumbled home in Louis' socks!!

I love Jess, she makes me laugh so much and she is wearing one of the bracelets I made :)
Today I got up feeling pretty rough, but braved on to the Met where some of us had a pub lunch to give Han her presents. I could only stomach curly fries though as I was a bit hungover. Ater a wee look round the shops I departed home where I watched Jeremy Kyle and did less work than I should have done.

I'm in love with this Flickr, especially the 'Couples' collection, they are so beautiful and kinda sexy :P

1 comment:

  1. Kicked out?! ah man that sucks. Just after you gave your room a makeover too! You need to upload photos of it soon! About the Totoro danish, I got it from the Japan Centre in London not far from china town. Its basically quite a big japanese supermarket. And yeah watched never been kissed last night, love that film! Haven't seen it in like 5 or 6 years
