Sunday 5 September 2010

Feeling lethargic

I have been slumped on the sofa in my trackies with my hair in a top knot and smeared make-up on my face all day. It's not a pretty sight. I have done quite a bit of work though, done loads of research on artists for part two of my summer project.

I have been feeling down recently, I have no real reason to be but I over think things way too much, I'm worried about starting uni and I miss my friends. Other than seeing Jess the other day I haven't seen them since V. I have been so busy doing my bread project and seeing Ian.
It's Ian's birthday tomorrow and I really wish I could spend the whole day with him but Hannah is having her birthday gathering and as I haven't seen them in ages I have decided to go out with them. I'm really looking forward to it but if I'm still feeling as shit as I do now I wont be very lively.

I'm going to go and eat some apple and blackberry pie my mom made and slug out in front of a movie, probably one that will make me cry, I think I need to let out some tears :/

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