Tuesday 14 September 2010

Bread dress photos

Yesterday I went into school to pick up my art folder and steal some A1 paper. I really do not miss the stale smell of baked beans that hits you as soon as you walk in through the gates.
It was good to see some teachers though and tell them about my summer project and what I have been up to.
I then spent the afternoon watching Jeremy Kyle as I was feeling pretty sorry for myself and felt that the pathetic people on that show would make me feel better about myself, it did kind of.
Jess and Hannah came over today and we did the photos of my bread dress. Jess was meant to be my model but unfortunately her bum was too small and the dress just fell off her so I had to wear it instead and Hannah did the photos. It went ok until I nearly fainted. I have been feeling crappy all day and I think a tight dress and lack of food just got too much. Luckily we got all the photos done. We then watched scrubs, ate some pizza, drank tea and did some photoshopping.

Please excuse my boob nearly falling out, I really look rough. I feel really rough. I'm getting myself so worked up about Monday. I hate change and this is the biggest change I have ever had to endure. I'm so nervous about having to get the bus and find my way around and talk to people I don't know, I'm terrible at meeting new people. I know that after a week there I will look back at this and laugh but at the moment all I can do is worry.
I'm getting so annoyed at everyone, I'm still not talking to my dad which is upsetting, my mom doesn't understand why I'm nervous, 'friends' are being selfish and saying things that are irrelevant and therefore make peoples lives hard and I'm hardly going to see Ian before I start.
In a way I can't wait to meet new people because I'm sure there wont be as much conflict and bitching as there is in my group of friends at the moment, it's just gonna be that first 'hello' that's the problem.

1 comment:

  1. Looks amazing! Really impressed! I was shitting it on my first day too. Just make sure your ipod has your favourite music on and you have a bottle of water and the bus ride will be fine, as for the day you'll have a great time once ice is broken. Lemme know how it goes xxx
