Saturday 18 September 2010


Wednesday was spent in the company of Ian. He came to mine and brought the final episode of True Blood, I don't know what I would do without him :)

We spent the evening looking at old photos of me, hunting down old friends (the wonders of Facebook) eating fajitas and watching Tarzan, it was an evening well spent. We went to bed pretty early as I had to be up at 6 in the morning, but unfortunately neither of our brains felt like switching off and we were awake for hours. I get very stressy when I can't sleep so I was getting very frustrated but eventually I dozed off.
Thursday started at 6am, too early for my liking but I shall have to get used to it. Ian walked me to the bus stop and then departed home for some well needed sleep. I met Jess and Hannah in Uxbridge and we caught the 740 to High Wycombe. This was to check out the journey and prices and timings, all fell into place nicely :)
We had a Starbucks, a look round the shops and an interesting time in Ann Summers. I found these in an American style sweet shop, they were amazing!

We returned back to Uxbridge and I slept, I was so tired.

In the evening I met up with the Law for another awesome band practise. I again took some photos, I used my fish eye lens and they turned out pretty good :)

As usual we then went to the Load where I met up with Nick and Danny. Many drinking games were created and played and the band got pretty drunk.
The walk home was hilarious with Ian and Murray singing 3OH!3 and Murray collapsing in the road after kicking a bone.
I passed out as soon as we reached Ian's and slept right through, it was some well needed sleep.
Yesterday when I got home I did some work, completing 3 out 6 drawings I was given to do of my bread dress.
I then got ready for the night ahead, I wore my new dress that I got from Ebay, I shall post photos at some point, met up with the gang to say farewell for the very last time before departure to uni occurs.
It was an amazing night, we went to the Met, Yarn and Treaty, I do the love the Treaty, however grotty it is I feel I can talk easly to the people there and I always bump into old friends :)
We lost Nick, he has a habit of wondering off when he is drunk without telling anyone, he always ends up at the packet boat marina shower block and last night was no change. After a long walk home and a dodgy chicken burger I finally got into the comfort of my nice warm bed.
Today so far I have watched scrubs and ate a cookie, I'm having a very productive day :)

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