Wednesday 29 September 2010

A lovely day off

Monday and Tuesday were spent at uni. I didn't really do much when I returned on Monday evening, other than watch the Inbetweeners. Yesterday at uni wasn't a great day. My bus in the morning just decided not to turn up so therefore was late. We then did really boring work and I didn't feel up to doing anything, I just wanted to go home, but instead they decided to keep us until 5 in a stupid lecture that told me nothing I didn't already know :/
As we got out late I missed the bus I usually would have got home, so I had to wait 40 minuets for the next one to come, by which time rush hour traffic was in full swing, but luckily I got time to finish the book Ian lent me which was awesome!
I finally got home at about 7 and devoured some pasta as I was starving. My mom then gave me a lift to Ian's where him and a few others were playing Halo and going over the Brannigan's laws new recordings which sounded pretty dam awesome :)
The evening was then spent playing beer pong, drinking gin, eating chinese and watching the guys play xbox.
Today I had off uni so I spent my time with Ian, trying to spend as much time with him before he goes back to Reading for uni. We went to the garden centre for a bit so he could buy locusts for his chameleon, Mr Mojo, and we looked at all the awesome fish. We then went to mine quickly to pick up some clothes for me and steal a pizza from my fridge to eat when we got back to his.
Once back at his we watched Galaxy quest which is one of my favourite films, ate lamb kebabs and Ben & Jerry's ice cream and watched some Spaced.
He is now playing Dead Rising 2 while I slug out on the sofa with a cup of tea, we have a new episode of Castle to watch, tonight is a good night :)

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