Sunday 19 September 2010

A day of Disney

Yesterday afternoon after doing some work I made my way to Ian's with a stack of Disney DVDs. We have decided that we will slowly make our way through them all. The only problem being is that the majority of them I have are on video, but it was still a good selection. We watched 'Atlantis: The lost empire' first and scoffed our way through some jaffa cakes.
Ian then made me a wonderful pasta bake, yummmy :)
Then something heartbreaking happened, I wont go into it but Ian and I kind of sorted it out and then watched 'Mulan'. I'm still so upset about what happened and it couldn't of happened at a worse time, but I think things will be ok. I hope things will be ok.

After a long talk and him playing Halo we went to bed. I screamed in my sleep. I have never done this before and it frightened the life out of both of us.
Today, when I got home I helped my mom cut the grass and then did some work.

I can't believe I'm actually starting uni tomorrow. This summer has gone so fast and I still don't feel ready. I'm kind of excited but the nerves are still in lead of my emotions :/

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