Friday 10 September 2010

Band and Books

Wednesday I accompanied Lawson, Alun and Ian to the cinema to see Scot Pilgrim vs. the world. It was pretty good actually, there were some bits, like the fight scenes that were dragged out and over the the top but I guess that was the point. Ian and I then returned to his where we watched A knights tale. I do love that film.
Yesterday Ian accompanied me to the library as I had to do some research on a list of people my uni had given me. I got loads of stuff done and Ian drew a pretty awesome comic strip titled 'The Burning sheep.'

We then had to go and pick up his guitar and headed to a Brannigan's Law band practise, we stopped off at KFC on the way. It was the first time I have seen them play with Alun on bass and they were brilliant. They have done a cover of Bye, bye, bye, yes that one by N*sync :P
But they have put their own style on it and it sounded amazing.
I took photos for them, which I was a bit apprehensive about at first as I'm not great at taking photos of people, especially in a darkened room while everyone is moving so fast but they turned out ok, they seem happy with them so I'm very happy.

We then went to Load for a quick drink before I departed home to drink tea :)
Ooh I am now living back at my own home, haven't spoken to my dad yet and I don't really plan to either.
I found a recipe for these and I have to make them as they are so cute! :)

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