Saturday 4 September 2010

The birthday celebrations begin

I did quite a bit of work in the morning, I was planning on doing it all day but Ian offered me a free lift to Reading at half 2 so I couldn't refuse. I quickly got ready and off we went. It was the first time I had seen Ian's new house in Reading and it was really big and nice, perfect for a party. Lawson, Ian and I went and got a Subway and collected booze for the evening. We sampled some skittle vodka which was amazing and played the Smash Brothers drinking game, which I failed at so just played Doodle jump instead. People then started to arrive and we played ring of fire, where I was picked on by Dan Rea.
The night was good but I didn't have as much fun as I wish I had. I didn't get drunk at all and I let things get to me and ended up getting very upset :/

But things got sorted and we had a kebab and watched Role models, which always makes things better. I had a few amazing chats people Dan, Alun and Lauren, especially Lauren. We are quite similar and it was nice to talk about Ian to her as she too understands what it is like dating a Harries :P
She also made me a bacon sandwich in the morning which was amazing! After cleaning up we watched Anchorman, which I some how haven't seen before.
Once everything was relatively tidy we descended homeward. Ian came back to mine. We watched Sherlock and had chicken kiev.
I'm in such a rut about his presents, I have one but it's his 21st and I can't just get him that. I have an idea but it still isn't a lot and it wont arrive by Monday but he knows how unorganised I am so he will understand :)

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