Wednesday 22 September 2010

Scary old ladies

Today was yet another day that began very early and consisted of university. It went pretty quick which was good and I had quite a bit of fun, although my drawings were poo. Just didn't feel like drawing a rock :/
After a long hour spent in traffic I eventually got home to a wonderful stir fry and a glass of wine.
Later on Hannah came over bringing jaffa cakes with her, I knew I was friends with her for some reason :P
After a chat about uni and her life of being a bum we headed to the cinema and watched Devil. I am terrible with scary films, I love them but hate them. I like the thrill but I hate when I'm lying in bed in the dark on my own, like now....
But I got through it and we made jokes about the scary old woman and Mexican looking people.
I have a day off tomorrow which means a lye in! But I have been given some work to do so I can't be lazy all day :(

(Totally unrelated but I like owls)

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