Sunday 26 September 2010

Douvet days

Yesterday afternoon I went to Ian's, we lazed about in bed and watched some telly. When we decided that our belly's couldn't handle the emptiness anymore we headed to Pangs for a wonderful Chinese buffet. I had never been out with just a boyfriend for dinner before but it was so lovely, can't say the sight of us both scoffing down noodles and chicken balls was the most romantic thing ever but it was so lovely of him to treat me :)
We then headed back to his where we watched Treasure planet and eventually dozed off to sleep.
Today we lied in bed until about half 4 watching Lilo and Stitch, Sword in the stone and Scary movie. After having some pizza we decided to vacate from the bed to the sofa. We watched Hercules and ate sausage and mash which Ian had cooked. We have gone through quite a few Disney movies the past days :)
I feel so tired at the thought of going back to uni tomorrow after 2 days of lying in bed or on the sofa :P

(Sensing Owls)

I do like my blonde hair but I love red hair so much. When my hair gets longer I shall contemplate dying it red again :)

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