Thursday 30 September 2010

To the pub

This morning I awoke at Ian's where he told me he was popping into town to do bank stuff but that I could lay in. When he awoke me a second time with a lovely cup of tea we went downstairs and watched an awesome film called Frequently asked questions about time travel. I then returned home where I did some stuff around the house for my mom and finished off my bread project book.

After dinner Dain offered me a few drinks down the pub. Not wanting to waste my day off, I accepted his offer and headed down. It was a pretty good evening drinking Strongbow and eating sandwiches. I'm now home in the warmth of my bed with a nice hot water bottle, I think my cat is dreaming because he is making really funny noises as he sleeps :)

She takes the cutest photographs of her kittens, I love them!!!

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