Saturday 2 October 2010

Drunken evenings

Yesterday I took in my bread project to uni. I was so excited to see what everyone had done. Someone made a fricking 6ft giraffe!!! I didn't see the relevance but it was still awesome. There were lots of Jesus toasted onto bread, bread houses, videos of a guy rubbing dough onto himself, 'night of the living bread', toasters made from a loaf, a bread dog, a working bread clock and many more. No one else made a dress so I was really pleased. I think people liked it, everyone seemed quite impressed, especially when they saw it was wearable :P
Lunch consisted of going shopping with cat and getting very wet feet in the rain :((My Ebay dress from ages ago)

In the evening I had my freshers ball, I wouldn't have really called it a ball, or freshers as the majority of people I met were second or third years, nevertheless it was an awesome night! Hannah gave me a lift down there and then we met up with Cat, Alice and Holly. We were running a bit late so they had drank quite a bit by the time we arrived, so we thought to order in a few drinks and down them to catch up, bad idea! Cat and I got so drunk, I love our drunken chats, I realise how similar we are in pretty much everything. Shes awesome and I really hope she stays a friend.

When the night dyed down and we decided to go home my mom drove Cat home. She lives in Amersham so it was a bit of a trek but my mom likes to know people get home safe. The area she lives in is so sweet, loads of little country roads and little houses, only problem was my mom didn't know where she was going and I was so drunk I couldn't even read the sign posts, we ended up driving around for ages trying to find a main road but we eventually got home :)
This morning my head felt like there were little people inside it bashing on the sides of my temples and eyes trying to mine their way out, it was very painful. But some paracetamol was taken and tea was drank and I felt much better.
When I was dressed and had eaten I headed over to Ian's, only not to see Ian, (he has returned to Reading) :( but to clean his house. Tom was there and we had a chat about uni and drinking based things. I then cleaned the house, which now looks spotless and then Tom drove me home. I then made myself sausages, mash and gravy, nom nom nom.
I have just watched a programme called Stephan Hawkin's universe and I found out I have time travelled!!! How awesome is that! Only slightly but still. Apparently due to the huge mass of the pyramids in Egypt it actually slows down time.

Look I'm time travelling!!

I am now awaiting the arrival of Jess and Hannah so we can attend the Treaty for rock night, can't wait to see them :)

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