Friday 8 October 2010

Mint ice-cream

Thursday was yet another day off but it was spent doing some work. I made loads of little fabric tiles that show distress and change, not exactly what I would call 'art' but it was fun tearing and smashing things up. After helping my mom make some dinner I went out to the Load where I met Sam and Dain. The past few days I have been craving mint ice-cream, so Dain kindly brought me a corneto mint, it was glorious. After a few drinks I left them to their evening and went home to bed.
I felt a lot better about uni today, we had a different tutor and he is a lot nicer and clearer about the things he wants us to do and he even complimented my work :)

When back in Uxbridge, I quickly met up with Ian before he departed to go to a gig. It was so lovely to see him again, haven't seen him for a week so it was so nice to just get a hug, I didn't want to let go. After finally prying ourselves away from each other I returned home to a wonderful curry my mom had made.
I then spent the evening having a long bubble bath, painting my nails, drinking tea and watching QI, it was good :)

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