Wednesday 6 October 2010


Gleegle (Filipino) - The urge to pinch or squeeze something that is unbearably cute.
(Emma C.)

Tuesday was a pretty crap day at uni. It made me feel like I didn't really belong there. My tutor at the moment talks utter crap. She is so vague on what she wants us to do and I had no clue all day of what she wanted and I ended up creating a load of shit. She's one of those artists that talks like everything has feeling and energy and I really hate people like that.
At about 4.30 we had a lecture which was so pointless, it was aimed more at the creative arts students, because it went on so late I missed my bus and so had to wait 40minuets for the next one! The traffic was so bad I decided to walk back home from Uxbridge, I bumped into Jess walking past Brunel, it was good to see her again :) I eventually got home at 7.30.
As I was feeling a bit down and just wanted to go out, Dain asked if I wanted to join him for a drink at the pub. We sat out in the garden and had some random chats and drank shots. As the night went on I was falling asleep so decided to go home. It was so good to get into my bed knowing I didn't have to get up at 6.45 as I had a day off :)
Today I have done very little, watched some Jeremy Kyle, did some tidying up for my mom, reading and just lazing on the sofa wrapped up in a blanket :)

(Hello bum by Hannah Metz)

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