Thursday 14 October 2010

Days off

My days off have been rather splendid. Yesterday I did quite a bit of work for uni, I did some drawings, book work and some cutting out. I drank lots of tea and watched Jeremy Kyle. In the evening I was a little bored so saw Dain for a bit and then drank a lot of rose with my mom :)
Today I had a nice lie-in before leaving to go to Ian's to do cleaning. It was kinda weird as no one was there and I had a key so let myself in. I felt like I shouldn't be there without him but I got on with the cleaning and left when it was spotless.
After dinner Jess and Hannah came over. As I haven't seen them in a while and wont see them over the weekend I thought I would invite them over for tea and a catch up. It was so good seeing them both again. Jess fell down the stairs which was hilarious, we shared tales of our uni tutors and Jess and I swapped some dresses. I brought a gorgeous dress from V festival but unfortunately it was just a bit short for me but fitted Jess perfectly. Jess accidentally brought two dresses of the same design so gave one to me :)
I have just finished packing my bag as I am off to Reading tomorrow evening to stay with Ian at his uni. I'm so excited!! I've missed him so much and can't wait to see him again!!

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