Tuesday 19 October 2010

A weekend in Reading

I spent Friday- Sunday in Reading with the wonderful Ian. After uni on Friday I went home, got my stuff and headed to the train station. On arrival Ian met me and we walked back to his where we promptly ordered Domino's pizza as I was starving and we spent the night watching the recent episodes of Castle and Fringe. The next day we stayed in bed watching films and drinking tea until 4ish when we dragged ourselves out the house and went to the cinema to see Despicable me. Ever since we saw the advert we wanted to see it so I was very excited. It didn't disappoint, it was so cute and funny and I loved it :)
When the film finished Ian and I found a dwelling that served alcohol and was soon joined by Louisa and Lawson. The night was brilliant, drank lots of alcohol, many funny photos were taken and it was great to see Louisa again.

Sunday, Ian and I had a nice lie in and again spent the majority of the day watching film. We had fajitas for dinner and watched the Cube with his housemates.
It was then sadly time for me to go. I got so so upset as I really didn't want to leave him. It was such a good weekend and I already miss having him near. Hopefully I should see him soon but just like knowing I can go to him if somethings wrong or if I just want a hug, a phone call just doesn't satisfy that :(
Yesterday and today have been spent at uni, nothing much exciting has happened. Cat got her ear pierced again today so I went along with her while she got it done and it looked so painful. Really considering getting my nose done but I know my parents would murder me, but I'm definitely getting my tattoo after my birthday!
I'm doing 3D design now and I'm quite enjoying it, it's a bit hard to come up with ideas but I didn't have very good materials to work with but I think they turned out ok. Have to do some book work on my days off as it's looking pretty bare at the moment :/

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