Tuesday 12 October 2010

Silly little artist

Yesterday and today have been pretty good days at uni but I am so looking forward to my days off tomorrow and Thursday.
Monday was good because at lunch me and my friends decided to go to Primark and try on the adult size onesies. It was so funny and I really want to get one now as it was really cosy :)

I didn't do much after uni other than devour a lovely roast chicken dinner and finish the second book Ian lent me called Awkward situations for men, by Danny Wallace, which is hilarious and so cute in places. I have now started reading The curious incident of the dog in the night-time but Mark Haddon, which is so far really good!
Today at uni we had the annoying lady tutor again, shes so vague with everything so I just did whatever I wanted, luckily it turned out pretty good and she said she liked it. I was doing really detailed cutting on paper I had painted with rainbow colours and it was going so well until I sliced the top of my finger open with the knife! Owww! Luckily my friend was there to give aid in form of a plaster with monkeys on.

My messy art table.

I then brought a tube of Pringles and a bag of Haribo for lunch :)
I had a lecture until 5.30 but as it started late it was over running by loads and if I had stayed I would have missed my last bus home, so I left, along with a few others.
Now home I intend on doing very little with my evening, maybe have a cup of tea and watch a movie.

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