Tuesday 26 October 2010

Home alone

Saturday during the day I did very little. In the evening however Jess and Hannah came to mine and we had a chat before departing to the Met as Jade and Becky were back from uni. We drank a lot, Jess got very drunk and many funny photos were taken.

I then left to meet Ian at the Load. He was also incredibly drunk so we had an interesting walk home and then passed out as soon as we got in.
Sunday morning my parents left to stay in Bristol for a few days so the house was mine! Ian and I watched Harry Potter and True Lies and then went to his for a wonderful roast his mom cooked :)
Monday at uni was pretty fun and then Cat came back and stayed at mine. She was feeling pretty down and alone and I wanted the company so offered if she wanted to stay. I cooked us chicken kievs for dinner and then we went to the Load for the evening. Dain and Murray were there and we drank so much, Cat slaughtered Dain at a card game called Speed.
In the morning we couldn't really drag ourselves out of bed in time so we got into uni late, although I didn't miss much.
When I got home I made myself some dinner and then looked forward to a nice relaxing evening on the sofa. However my immune system decided to ignore my plans and make me feel like crap. I spent the entire night waking up in a hot sweat, running to the toilet to chuck my guts up and then crawl back to bed. I have no energy at all and I feel so terrible. I'm so tired but I can't sleep and I can't hold down any food, not ever tea!!! :(

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