Sunday 10 October 2010

London visit

Saturday was one of the best days I have had in a while :)
Ian and I met up in Uxbridge at an early time and got the train to London. We went to the Tate modern first, then on to the National gallery where we looked at some amazing paintings, it's unfair how well some people can paint. We then went to South Kensington and had a wonderful lunch at an Italian restaurant. After we went to the V&A museum where we looked at some Asian swords and armour and then loads of gorgeous jewelry and silver work.
It was so nice to have a day out with Ian and it also gave me some inspiration for my uni project :)

About 4, we headed home and went our separate ways where I got ready and said hello to my grandad who is staying with us for a few of days. A few hours later Ian came to mine and we headed to the Load where we met Dain and had quick drink while we waited for Lee to arrive. We then all headed to the Met where we met with Chris and a few others. We were out for Chris and Johns 21st birthday but John didn't arrive until later on in the evening. Louis was back from uni so Jess, Hannah and some others were all out too. I saw them for a bit but then we went to the Treaty and they stayed at the Met.
The Treaty was awesome, we were playing drinking games and Dain kindly brought me many drinks as I have no money. After consuming way too many drinks and making a fool out of myself by throwing up Ian took me home and of course on the walk home we stopped off at Metro pizza where he brought a kebab, which tasted amazing! We sat at the top of my road for ages and had a huge chat, it was a really nice chat, it made me feel really loved, I love drunken chats with him :)
Today was also lovely. Ian and I lazed in bed watching a programme about a family that lives with a hippo and The others. After dozing off for about an hour he had to go as he sadly returned to Reading :(
I then did some uni work and watched Spiderman 2, The da vinci code and The X factor.

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