Saturday 25 September 2010


I have had a pretty awesome past 2 days. Thursday was my day off and I enjoyed very much lazing on the sofa watching day time T.V and drinking tea. After doing some work I met up with Dain at the Load where we played pictionary, drank a lot and talked to the Si-fi club about Nathan Fillion. Later on in the evening the Law joined us, unfortunately I had to depart as I had to be up early for uni in the morning but Ian kindly walked me home.
Uni on Friday was awesome. At the beginning of the week we were all split up into little groups and never really introduced to anyone on our course, which was annoying. But Friday afternoon we all sat in the art studio, in two long lines, facing the person opposite you. We were then asked to draw the person in many different ways, e.g. as a rock star, as a fish or as if they had been electrocuted. In addition we sometimes had to draw with our wrong hand or with a really thick pen, the outcomes were hilarious. We moved along the lines meeting new people on the way.

After getting home and having some dinner I got ready and my mom dropped me back in High Wycombe. I met Catriona and Hannah Rees at the reception and then we headed to the student union. At first the place was dead and we were thinking about finding somewhere else to go, but as the night went on and more cheap alcohol was consumed the night turned out to awesome! Hannah departed early so Catriona and I met some people that were on our course. It was an awesome night that included cheap champagne, sambuca shots, awesome people and drunken chats with my mom on the lift home :)

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