Tuesday 21 September 2010

Uni and curry

I made it!! I was so nervous on Monday for my first day of uni but I got there ok :)
My dad gave me a lift into Uxbridge so I could catch the bus which came really early so I was waiting around in High Wycombe like a loner for ages. Turns out I didn't have to get there until 1 but I arrived at 11 so I had a lot of waiting around. Luckily I met a really cool girl and we had lunch together.
After what seemed like forever enrolling I go on the bus home. Ian met me at the bus stop which was so lovely of him and he walked me home while I bored him about the details of my day.
My parents then took me out for a wonderful curry. I hadn't had curry in ages and all day I was craving it, so when they asked where I wanted to go I was like "CUURRRYYYY" :)
When we got back I was so stuffed and tired I just went to bed, at about 9!

Today was yet another day spent at uni. I met a few more people and we did some drawing outside. After getting home at 6 and finding no one was home I had a well needed cup of tea.
I have just watched the Inbetweeners and am just about to start reading a book Ian has lent me called Snuff. As I have such a long bus journey everyday I'm going to try and do some more reading, I really don't read as much as I should.

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