Saturday 31 July 2010

Blistered fingers

Yesterday I got up incredibly early and started painting my room, I did all of the ceiling and skirting boards. I then made my way to Ian's to do some cleaning. From all of the painting and cleaning my feeble hands have developed blisters, they really hurt but I'm going to do it every fortnight now so I will get a bit of money so I had better stop complaining :)
In the evening I met up with Adam, Hannah, Jess, Luke and Ian and we all went to the Met. We had a few drinks and a laugh.

We then decided to go somewhere different but soon realised Uxbridge is very limited in good pubs. The Yarn smells of sick and the Treaty you now have to pay to get in after 10, so we just all went home.
I had to sleep on the sofa last night as I couldn't get my mattress in my room because the door was painted. It was surprisingly comfortable and I didn't wake up with a back ache like I do most mornings.
Again today I woke up early and got painting again. I got covered in paint and it looked like I had albino freckles but all of the painting is now done!! All that is left to do is VAX the carpet and then move all of my furniture in :)

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