Thursday 22 July 2010

Thunder and Lightning

Today was a nice day. I was awoken by the postman at a time to early to describe. It rained pretty much all day but in the brief half an hour of clear skies I headed to Ian's and we watched True Blood which made everything better :)
We drank lots of tea and just lazed on the sofa. There was a big thunder and lightning storm, when there's rain hitting on windows it always makes me feel all cosy and safe inside. Whilst walking home I realised how much I had missed the rain, the air has been so dry recently. After it rains there is always that really fresh smell which is so lovely.

(Photos by Lauren Withrow)

However much the I appreciated the rain, I do hope it's sunny this Sunday as Ian and I are planning a picnic. It's been years since I've had a good old picnic so fingers crossed the weather will be good for it :)

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