Tuesday 13 July 2010

7 Months

The past few days have been rather wonderful. On Sunday Hannah came to mine and we drank tea and sifted through lots of photos which made us giggle :)
It was mine and Ian's 7 months so he came over and we watched The Empire Strikes Back and had dinner and a lovely desert. We then headed to The Load where we played a few drinking games and I got a wee bit tipsy. Ian came back to mine after and we made toast.
Yesterday and today was spent in the company of Faye, haven't seen her in a while, she lives quite far away and has been on holiday. We watched Princess Diaries and had a nice catch up over some tea. We then went to the Load and Dain made us cocktails which made it feel very summery.

We then headed back to mine and watched Stardust and ate cookies and doritos and dip. It was nice :)
Today has been pretty boring, weather has gone back to being all English which is a shame.
It's Jess's birthday tomorrow, can't wait to go out with the whole gang again, it's been awhile since we've all been in the same country!

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