Thursday 8 July 2010

Too tired to conjure a title

Jess is back! And we have already planned a tea drinking session later today, I can't wait :)
I can't actually remember what I did on Monday, it was nothing very interesting, maybe just watched some day time T.V. and did some stuff around the house.
Tuesday I started clearing out my room, well I tidied up under my bed (there was so much junk under there!) and I got rid of loads of my old Kerrang magazines which has cleared up some space. I have managed to convince my dad to get me the wardrobe and draws! And we found a place that does it slightly cheaper which is awesome. So I now have start clearing out my room ready for painting :)
In the evening I went to Ian's, we lazed in bed and watched Moulin Rouge (his choice). In the morning he made me a wonderful bacon sandwich :D

(click on photo for source)

He then played his Xbox and I got sucked into the world of Doodle jump, I'm determined to beat his score!
Yesterday we had a family friend over for dinner, he is a vegetarian so we had like a tapas sort of meal, I didn't think I would like it as I love meat, but it was amazingly tasty. I then went to the Hay with some people and had a nice catch up with some people of many drinks :)
I haven't been sleeping very well recently, not sure why but I just can't get off to sleep and then when I do I wake up so frequently. So I feel like a walking zombie 24/7 :(
Might go have a quick nap so I'm refreshed for Jess and Hannah's visit.

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