Saturday 24 July 2010


Yesterday I wondered into Uxbridge and brought crispy duck pancakes for dinner for Hannah, Jess and myself. We scoffed it down and watched Black Books. We then headed to the Met which was really good, apart from me nearly having a heart attack because I thought I lost my bag. We then went to Liquid, which luckily we got in for free because I would have never paid full price for it. I really dislike it in there, I love dancing and singing but when I don't know there words, or can't even understand what they are saying, it's not much fun. So Jess and I left early. Ian and a few others then met me near mine for a quick hello and then departed. I then went to bed with ringing ears.

Today was really nice, my aunt and cousin came over and we went through loads of old photos of my Nan and family.

We also ate pizza.

I love looking at old photographs, they bring back such lovely memories and they always have a story behind them. I have kept a few of them so will scan them all in at a later date.

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