Thursday 1 July 2010

Finally finished

I'm finished!!!!! I now have three months off.... I should really get a job. My last exam, which I was really worried about, went rather well I feel. I walked home with a giant grin on my face :)
Hannah then came over for a wee bit and we watched Jeremy Kyle and Escape to the country, gotta love day time T.V. We then went back to school for our art exhibition which went quite well, a few people want to buy my work which is awesome! Here's some of my work I'm selling.

In the evening I met up with Ian and we sat in a field for a while and just had a chat, it was really nice actually. It then got a bit chilly so we went back to his and watched Avatar.
Yesterday I lazed about the house in the morning and watched a few episodes of season two True Blood. It's so good! I then went for a quick drink at the pub before I met up with Beth to go to the Dragon King for our Geography finishing meal. It was only us and two teachers which turned up, but it was really good and I got to stuff myself with Chinese buffet. I then went back to the pub and met up with a few people and drank a lot.
I woke up this morning at about 11.30 and realised I had to be in school by 12. So I had to run to school and hand in some of my art stuff for an auction for charity.
I'm now just about to watch another episode of True Blood :)
My cats been so funny in all this heat, he is even more lazy than he usually is, he' so dopey.Here are some other photos of cute cats!

(Click on photo for source)

(By Stefany Alves)

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