Saturday 17 July 2010

Hoe downs and A&E

Been a while since I've blogged. Jess turned 18 on Wednesday, we went to hers and pre-drank for a while, was really nice, love her house, it's so cute :)
We then went to the Met, we was meant to do a pub crawl around Uxbridge but we just stayed there. Was a brilliant night, saw loads of people I haven't seen in ages which was good. I then ended up staying at Ian's. Thursday Nick and Danny came to mine and we watched Percy Jackson and the lightning thief, it was so good to catch up with them. I've missed spending days just watching films with them. When they left I met some people at the Hay and had a nice drink and catch up.
I'm now up to date with series 3 of True Blood. It's so good, I'm actually in love with Eric, he's amazing! Nom!

Yesterday I dressed up as a cowgirl and went to Gen and Abby's 18th, it was a good night until we walked home, I think everything that could have gone wrong did. I eventually got home and half 4. We walked down the majority of LONG lane, some one got mugged so we walked to the hospital in A&E, there were arguments and people just being pathetic, by the end of the night I was so cold, tired and unfortunately sober.
Today I was up surprisingly early considering the night before so I went shopping with my mom. I got a new top, shoes and a dress :)
I also got some more safely pins because I'm selling the bracelets I make. I've sold about 5 so far and have loads of orders for them, so better get cracking :)

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