Wednesday 28 July 2010

4 days of awesomeness

Haven't blogged in a few days as I have spent my days in the company of Ian. I have had an amazing few days.

Sunday we went to the cinema and saw Toy Story 3. It was fantastic!! Can't really say much more about it other than you have to see it. We then went to the met with a few people but ended up leaving early as I felt quite ill and just wanted to go to bed. Not sure why I felt rough but nearly fainted which is never good.
Monday afternoon my mom and I moved all of my furniture out of my room so I can get painting soon :)

I then headed to Ian's so we could make our way to Piccadilly Circus to see Jim Jeffries. It was brilliant, it was filmed for his DVD so can't wait until it comes out and to see if we got an appearance. He was so epicly drunk it was hilarious. When we got home we watched the new t.v series of Sherlock Holmes, I thought it was really good.
Tuesday was really nice. It was Ian's mom's birthday so we had a BBQ, there was some fantastic food, thanks to Ian's brother, chocolate fudge cake, wine and UP.
Today Ian, other Ian (Lawson) and I all went to the cinima to see Inception. Again another fantastic film which left us with lots to talk about on the walk home.
This photo was taken by my strumpety friend Kiel. I love it so much, it makes me feel so care free and summery.

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