Wednesday 21 July 2010


Yesterday in the evening a few of us gathered at the Met for drinks. It was really good up until I decided to throw a bitch fit which I aimed at Ian, I feel so bad about it, but things are all gravy now :)
Today I got £75!! I went into school first thing to give in some bracelets to some teachers that had asked for them, my art teacher was so kind and gave me £20 for one, she then brought another one for her friend and gave me a tenner!! :)
I then sold three others which totalled up as £24.
After I had finished at school I went round to Ian's where I cleaned his house from top to bottom. As another way of trying to bring in the money I'm doing cleaning or like odd jobs for people. So Ian's mom was kind enough to give me some work. I really enjoyed it actually, I like cleaning, I hate things being untidy or dirty, it's almost like a little OCD, I always put things in order or straight lines, shame I can never keep my room tidy though.
My room is now almost completely empty. The past few days I've been taking everything out so it's ready to paint, looks really bare without all my posters.

I really need to take more photos and buy some more film for my camera. Especially as the weathers so nice, it feels like a waste.

I'm in love with this photo, 1. It has the cutest cat ever, 2. I love fish bone plates and 3. The floral print is so pretty!

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