Thursday 29 July 2010

Tea and biscuits

I think I have just broken my toe. I just walked into door, which isn't very clever and now my toe is all pink and bruised and really owwwy.
Anyways, today I got up quite early and washed all of my walls and went and brought my paint for my room, it's called Placid, it's really nice. Then my old tutor, who now works with my mom came over for tea, biscuits and a chat. It was really nice to have a good catch up with her. Mid through her visit my furniture arrived for my room. We specifically asked for it to be delivered anytime after the 9th, so it's two weeks early! I thought it was quite silly but I'm just so happy it's here and it's gorgeous!! So now I need to finish doing my room so I can get it all in and finished, can't wait :)

I also took some random photos of flowers in my garden today:

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