Saturday 10 July 2010

I'm glad I had GONE

Thursday afternoon Jess and Hannah came over and we drank a lot of tea and had pizza. It was so good to see Jess again, I hadn't realised how much I missed just doing nothing with her. This gathering also involved the most embarrassing moment of my life which was induced by my mother, that is all I'm going to say.
Yesterday Hannah and I went CVing which kinda failed, we looked around all of Uxbridge and literally no one wanted any one :( So instead I spent all of the little money I did have on the Summer Sales.

In the evening I met up with Ian in Westdrayton station and we just about caught the train to Reading. From there we got a McFlurry because we literally melted on the train and needed some form of something cold. However it didn't help me much. We then went to The Butler where Ian's Reading band, GONE, were playing. There were meant to be more bands but they backed out, so a few people fashioned a band which was really good considering some had never played together before.
I wasn't sure about going at first as I hate being in situations where I don't know anyone but it was really good and I got on really well with Ian's friends. Especially Louisa, she's awesome, I mean our first conversation was about Captain Kirk! I'm glad I've finally met her as Ian always talks about her and now I can put a face to a name :)
Unfortunately we had to catch the train back at 12ish, Ian bumped into one of his friends so I had a doze on the train while they talked music stuff. We then got a chicken burger and walked home. We saw Danny and Nick on our walk, I haven't seen Nick in so long which is such a shame as we were so close but he has the type of girlfriend that wont let him see anyone! But hopefully I can steal him back, I saw him first :)

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