Sunday 4 July 2010

While the cats away the mice will play

Friday my parents went away for the weekend so I was left with a free house. I spent the majority of the day watching episodes of True Blood, I've now finished series two and can't wait to watch series three :)
Ian came over in the evening and I cooked a chicken kiev and mash, was nice. We also made cookies and had them with Ben & Jerry's ice-cream which was the single most amazing thing I have ever consumed. We lazed about on the sofa and watched a Korean vampire movie called Thirst, which was really good!
Saturday we lazed in bed until around lunch time and then Ian departed. Hannah then came over and I watched some more True Blood with her and I made sausage and mash, my cooking skills are amazing :P
As the evening went on various amounts of people came over and we consumed alcohol and generally had a really good night. Was a mixed bunch of people but turned out really good. Can't wait to have another gathering.

This morning my stomach disagreed with the amount of booze I had consumed and made me rather ill for a bit, but I had a nice sausage sandwich and all was made better.
Ian and I watched Nanny McPhee because there was seriously nothing else on. Ian then left and my parents came home so I had a nap. Mark then popped over for a wee bit and we had a nice catch up and drew moustaches on our fingers for some reason.
Got my bank statement through the post the other day as I put some money in and I have more money than I thought, still not a lot but was a nice surprise, so I'm thinking of getting my tattoo soon, really love this one, I just love the way it curves with the body and it's so delicate. Some how don't think my mother will agree though.

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